Remember your potential and activate the deep inner knowing of who you were called here to be.

Hello, beloved…

What would it feel like to arrive at a safe harbour, fully protected, fully nourished, and deeply connected to yourself? What would it feel like to have your story beautifully held and fully seen? What if you could remember your tiny seed of potential within to live in wholeness... physically, emotionally, energetically, and financially? Imagine a sacred wellness partnership where that is not only a priority but deeply revered.


Patricia West is a seasoned female RMT, business owner, and lover of the cycles and rhythms of nature, and how they are mirrored within us through the seasons.

Her space is a modern-day apothecary that offers a boutique-style approach to care which includes 1:1 partnership with curated wellness plans designed specifically for you. She has served 1000s of patients over the last 20+ years in the wellness space, honouring the rhythms of many women, men, and children with registered massage therapy, botanicals, energetic & frequency healing, and mentorship for other RMTs, healers, lightworkers, and medicine women. She brings a unique approach to integrating tools and lifestyle edits into your experience and home so that it feels like a sacred connection to yourself, one ceremony at a time.

The collective is calling for you to be fully whole, a divine being having a unique human experience. The world needs you to heal your biggest wounds, see your limitations as opportunities and remember your belonging on this Earth so you can be who you were sent here to be.





Meet Patricia

Patricia West is a highly sought-after seasoned RMT and educator with over 20 years of experience. She has travelled over much of Canada and the USA to amplify her skills and knowledge. Her work brings a unique approach to looking at the body, plants, and life through the lens of energetics and eastern medicine. She weaves together her extensive training, her presence, and philosophies to create a sacred experience.

  • Your nervous system felt peace?

  • You were well nourished and well fed?

  • You were connected, rooted, and came home to your body, to the Earth and to each other?

  • You felt the red thread of connection, the inner knowing that we are ONE and not separate from Mother Earth or the rest of humanity?

  • You were well rested and you believed that rest was sacred?

  • You aligned with the seasons, rested, played, and made time for ceremony?

  • You returned to Nature?

  • You knew you were sovereign?

  • You understood the responsibilities to yourself?

  • You spent more time with the Land?

  • You remembered why you are here?

Returning to Nature dispels distraction and brings clarity and wisdom to the Holy remembrance of why we are here.



1:1 Registered Massage Therapy

Plant-Based Medicines

Frequency Healing

Are you ready to experience the wholeness that is intended for you?