Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, to achieve a therapeutic response.

It enhances the function of muscles and joints. It improves the circulation of the blood and lymph, relieves pain and stress, and may reduce blood pressure with it has a sedative and calming effect.

Massage therapy is designed to rehabilitate, maintain or improve physical function by performing manipulation techniques. Massage therapists are also trained in hydrotherapy and remedial exercise. The therapeutic effects of massage therapy benefit men, women, pregnant women, infants, children, and the elderly and can provide relief from a wide variety of mild and acute conditions.

Massage can help with a variety of issues but most importantly, we work with the whole body to restore it naturally.

"You are the Salt of the Earth and Light of the World."


After a detailed health history and assessment, a curated individual treatment plan based on your needs is presented. This is based on integrating Massage Therapy as part of your health needs whether or not you have a specific issue or not.

Plans are based on optimizing vitality is your whole body and may include home care in the form of hydrotherapy, breathing, stretches, lifestyle change and referrals to other health care practitioners.


While I work with many people for many reasons, I have done extensive work with people in the area of pelvic health Some conditions that can be treated using massage therapy for pelvic health are endometriosis, dysmenorrhea pudendal neuralgia, interstitial cystitis, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, incontinence, prolapse, and pelvic congestion.

I also have extensive training in Therapeutic Breast Massage for Pregnancy, post-cancer surgeries as well as surgeries for breast reduction and augmentation.

Want to chat more about your needs or book an appointment?